Laura tunes in to the angels and spirit guides to provide a live reading for Shelley Wasicki, co-founder of The Positive Spirit Co. Find Shelley on Facebook and Instagram @thepositivespiritco. If you're interested in having a personal reading with Laura, reach out at [email protected] or visit the services page of her website.

Laura is offering a new Super Manifester 5-Week Course starting January 6, 2021. In this 5 week course, participants will set intentions, learn manifesting tools and trips, and receive support from Laura and the entire class in their manifesting adventure for 2021 and beyond! The course will cover, tips for setting intentions, manifesting magnifiers, how to clear blocks and obstacles, and how to move through upper limit problems. This event is just $333 for super early bird, $444 early bird, and $555 regular rate. The course will include online materials and handouts, in-class exercises, class recordings, and access to a private Facebook group just for course members. This is an incredible opportunity at the beginning of the year to start off the year right and make 2021 the best year you have ever had!

In November's Podcast Review Giveaway, you have a chance to win $500-worth of goodies including a Harmoni pendant, a cutting board from Positive Spirit, and an oracle card pool from Shelley Wasicki. Send a link or screenshot of your Healing Powers podcast review to [email protected] or an Instagram message via dm@laurapowers44.

For more information about Laura and her work, you can go to her website or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook @realhealingpowers, and on Instagram and TikTok @laurapowers44.