Brooke Schattner was on the pill since she was 16 – nearly a decade – and today she’s sharing her journey to leaving the pill behind and transitioning her way to FAM.

Like so many women, Brooke got on the pill because it was just “the thing to do” in your teens. There wasn’t a real reason behind it at first, and she never had a deep discussion with her parents or doctors on what the pill meant, and if it was the right choice for her body. After years of symptoms and side effects, she’s decided that it’s not for her.

I hope Brooke’s story resonates with you no matter where you are on your own hormone journey.

We Chat About:

The doctor’s solution to side effects was always to just “try a different pill”Why we aren’t taught how the pill works, even if it is the right decisionGetting on or off the pill is not just about contraception, but is also a health decisionShame and worry around getting off the pill for alternative methods


If you’re looking to get off of the pill or need help deciding what birth control method works for you, check out my FREE FAM Training: Prevent Pregnancy Naturally + Ditch the Pill Without Fear

Connect With Me:

Sync Your Life & Menstrual CycleInstagram: @nourishedwithnina

Healing Hormones is produced and published by Crate Media.

Mentioned in this episode:

FAM Training

Learn how to prevent pregnancy naturally and ditch birth control without fear. This training is for women who have been thinking about getting off birth control and have questions about fertility awareness method (FAM).

Join my FREE FAM Training