Aurora Rose has been gifted since birth with psychic and medium abilities.  She saw her first ghost at age 4, however, being raised in a highly religious family made her suppress her gifts until in her mid 20's. She moved into a very haunted house, that made it impossible to ignore the gifts any longer.  She has since done countless readings, and has a huge following.  She has been voted in the top 100 Best Psychics and Mediums in the World through the Federation of American Psychics 4 years in a row, and this year was voted in the top 30.  She also does healings, cleansings, energy work, and intuitive spiritual counseling.  She has helped so many people in so many avenues of their lives.

You can find her on her website aurorarosepsychic.com


Twitter @CastleAuroraRos and Periscope