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Two lifelong friends, Bobby Hewitson and Chris Gostkowski, had an idea of joining a paranormal group growing up. Years had passed since that day, when Bobby acted on that idea and joined a paranormal team. He quickly found that he dissatisfied with how it was being run. It was not like he expected and nothing like he imagined back when he and Chris talked about years before. There were no scientific methods being used at all, just a few physic mediums who talked about what they felt was going on. It seemed there was always more than one story as what exactly was going on, which really didn’t help the client. The answers given to the client had no basis on science, and only consisted of the mediums opinions. There was no “PROOF”, backed up by real evidence, just personal opinion. (This is not to say we don’t believe in the ability of some mediums, we actually have one as a member, we just feel that their findings should be compared alongside scientific data.) After a few investigations Bobby decided to leave that group so he started to research what would be involved in starting his own group. His standard was simple – to help the client by providing scientific proof to paranormal activity, or by using that same science to disprove any activity.

In 2006 he founded P.R.O.O.F.

Soon after, Bobby asked Chris to join the team and made him a Co-Founder. They went on many investigations together, and along with other members, found exactly what they were looking for– documented evidence of the paranormal. In 2009 Bobby decided to pursue other adventures and handed off P.R.O.O.F. to Chris. While Bobby is no longer with us, all his hard work is still recognized. Today, P.R.O.O.F. takes shape with new members and is stronger than ever. We strive to represent the excellence envisioned many years ago,when the group was still a dream.