Black Cats Paranormal Investigators consist of two female investigators, actively eager to find proof of the after life and to show you this evidence through our documented investigations, evidence and videos which will appear on and our You Tube Channel. We are newly and proud verified members of the British Paranormal Association.

Both team members carry a wide array of equipment to help us document and record any possible happenings or phenomena.


We give you our opinions on what we think is paranormal and leave you to make up your mind about what you think.


Black Cats Paranormal has grown from nothing to 17,000 Twitter Followers, 2,000 Youtube Subscribers and 6,000 Face Book Followers. We have a natural driving force to find the proof that people so look for from our own experiences from children after seeing passed family members. We love to share our findings with our fans and love the feedback and support that they give us too. Both Michelle and Jayne are able to sense spirit.

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