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My talk with Stel was one that society puts more of a "taboo" on as not many people talk about eating disorders. It can be challenging for anyone to recognize for eating disorders outside of extreme cases like anorexia. 

However having Stel, on the show provided me with a ton of info that in my world I have never dealt with. I appreciated her openness to discuss her personal struggle with disordered eating. I enjoyed learning about her food journal as well. I do intend on using her food journal vs the typical "weight loss" ones as I agree with Stel's view on having a healthy relationship with food and ourselves.

More about Stel Coombe-Heath:

She is the leading authority in helping busy women stop binge and overeating. Her mission is to help one million women have a better relationship with food and their body. Stel is a life-changing health and transformation coach, cognitive-behavioral therapist, podcast host, and published author.

Stel battled a dysfunctional relationship with food and her body for over thirteen years, fighting two eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and emotional eating. As a holistic health recovery specialist and coach, Stel incorporates yoga, mindfulness and emotional resilience into her consultations with clients. Stel's sessions motivate clients to dive into self-transformation through self-actualization.

#1 Authority in helping women stop binge and emotional eating 

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