Next Episode: The J.O.Y Method

I am excited for today's guest on, Healing for the Soul podcast, as I have never heard of Experi-Age until now. Tune in for today's exciting episode to learn more how we can help our parents and ourselves.

Teresa Moerer PT is an author, coach, consultant, and speaker. She published, The Art of Assisting Aging Parents: Discover the Journey to Honor Your Parents, Create Treasured Memories, and Live Life to the Fullest based on a 35-year career as a physical therapist and experience caring for her parents.

During her multidisciplinary group therapy efforts in skilled rehabilitation, she found a system of building the body, brain, and spirit to achieve superior mobility and personal life. Current research supports the therapeutic benefits of group face-to-face interactions on health and well-being.

Teresa believes that people worldwide can use her Experi-Age™ training as they face the challenge of keeping their parents healthy and aging in place while continuing to manage their personal life and commitments.

Like herself, Teresa knows that many people spend most of their lives in jobs that stifle their creativity. She works with successful professionals who want to bring their creative talents to the world by exploring their unique genius and applying this to the innovation and growth of their business and industry.

She uses her unique Experi-Age™ training to help people of all ages find their strengths and life vision, set goals, target concrete activities to achieve the goals while taking part in group interactions, and enjoying life. During this training, she teaches others to create exceptional experiences leading to optimal health and complete expression of creativity.

Teaching physical, occupational, and speech therapists how to create impactful group therapy treatments and build their business is her current adventure.


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