In talking with Angela about how books can help build emotional resilience in children it helps to hear her background coming from a place of help that young and old need today. We can all learn how to get in touch with our emotions to help each other grow. 

More about Angela Legh:

Angela grew up in San Francisco, CA. She had an alcoholic father and

an angelic mother, who both had a profound impact on her life. Her

father taught her that the behaviors of others made her a powerless

victim; her mother taught her to be loving to everyone; including those

who hurt you. Sadly, catastrophe struck when their house burned down,

Angela was six years old. For a short time, the children were sent to live

with foster families while the parents searched for housing. The family

moved a lot over the next few years and her parents ultimately divorced.

Her family home was destroyed by fire when she was six years old.

Angela grew up to marry an emotionally abusive man; she stayed for 32

years because she didn’t want to hurt him; she didn’t have the internal

strength to leave. The 2017 Tubbs Wildfire in Northern California was a

catalyst for her personal growth, starting on the night her house was

reduced to ash. When everything in her life was gone, she was forced to

examine her relationship. She realized it was toxic; it was not going to

get better; she made the decision to leave.

Angela is now an author and self-development mentor. Her children's

book series, The Bella Santini Chronicles, has received high praise and

is known for helping children learn how to manage their emotions. Her

online course, entitled Live! Love! Laugh! gives adults in-depth insights

into how to step out of victimhood and access your inner joy.

For more information: Https://


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