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I enjoyed my talk with Sam about Autism. Many of us are aware of what autism is, but maybe unaware there are different types of autism. In speaking with Sam he is very accomplished for his young age. He is my youngest guest on, Healing for the Soul Podcast, and is someone to reach out to.

More about Sam Mitchell:

Sam runs his own podcast called, Autism Rocks and Rolls. It has grown over the last year and has become very, very successful. Sam has gained several sponsors and this has boosted his mission and business exponentially. He is nearing 6K downloads. He has had some big names on his show: Armani Williams, first NASCAR driver open about having autism, and American Idol Rocker James Durbin who has autism and Tourette’s. His biggest guest of all was Dr. Temple Grandin, professor in Animal Science at Colorado State University and autism activist. He recently had the actress Sara Tomko on his show, well-known for her roles in Sneaky Pete and Resident Alien. He also got to meet his idol, WWE Hall of Famer, Mick Foley, and Foley has accepted the invitation to be on Sam’s podcast!

Sam has made it to the top 10 in the People’s Choice Podcast Awards, placed second in the state of Indiana for the JAG Entrepreneurship project, was selected as the best business at the CEO trade show in Indiana, has had tremendous guests on his show, and is in the top 200 podcasts in all of Canada...all as a recent high school graduate.

Sam has a mission: To take the stigma off of autism and show people that he is not broken, therefore, embracing autism. His hard work, motivation and passion led him to creating his own successful podcast and business, all WITH autism. Sam is not ashamed and wants to be the voice of those with autism or other disabilities. His podcast is helping him change the world just a little bit at a time. Sam, at the end of the day, wants to be the voice of those who do not have one. 

Please contact us if you are interested in any of Sam’s services, especially speaking engagements. It is always wonderful too when his information can be posted on Websites for companies that are changing the world like he is.


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