Intuitive channel, business mentor, and certified AHAI™ 7-D energy healer Kristen Hinman on anchoring your business into 5D energy, holding the vibration of abundance, and living from our aspirations vs. our wounds.

Find me at or @healing_corner_podcast on Instagram

Guest information

@kristen_hinman on Instagram

“Go 5D” channeled message

Episode notes

Kristen’s background

Getting into being a business psychic

Christina the channel

AHAI 7th dimension energy healing

A Psychic’s Story podcast

Ellen Mahloy

Consciousness of business

How Kristen works

Client examples

Signs businesses are out of alignment

Holding the vibration of abundance

Identify purpose of business for highest good

Kristen as a bridge

Jenna Zoe on IG

Clients = people wanting to be in your energy

Common denominators of Kristen’s business and clients

Turning the light on 

Why business owners are so valuable right now

Why free consultations are a no-no

Oath Oracle on IG

Peta Kelly on IG

The Minimalists on IG and website

Desire for her business

Weekly rituals

Kristen’s offerings

@kristen_hinman on Instagram

“Go 5D” channeled message

Daily Crystal Inspiration card deck: her pulls for the show Aragonite (release your emotional baggage), Tiger’s Eye (overcome your fears), and Selenite (clear the clutter)

#5d #5dconsciousness #consciouscreator #empathsbelike #cocreation #consciousawareness #higherconsciousness #consciousbusiness #findyourfreedom #perfectlyimperfect #ascending #ascension #claimyourpower #shadowwork #unityconsciousness #newearth #alignment #businesspsychic #businessmentor #businessgrowthstrategy #intuition #intuitive #intuitiveguidance #intuitionmentor #energy #energyhealing #energyhealer #spiritualmentor #mindsetmentor #inneralchmey #starseed #starseedwisdom