Certified Professional Coach, Certified HeartMath Practitioner®, PSYCH-K® Preferred Facilitator, healer, and international best-selling author Teresa Bruni shares why stress management, mindset shifts, and tools like PSYCH-K® are so effective when healing from illness and shifting into abundant, healthy living.

Guest Information

Website: www.TeresaBruni.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresabrunithehealer

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/TeresaBruniTheHealer

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/teresabruni

Teresa's books: {An} Unsinkable Soul: From Fear to Fabulous, The Nurses' Pocket Guide: Stress Relief Techniques for Use at Work and Home, The Resilience Journal: Transcending Turbulent Times Through Journaling

Find me @healing_corner on Instagram or healingcorner.net

Episode Notes

Teresa's personal story experiencing illness and being out of work on disability

Detoxing: environment, eating habits, relationships and thought processes

Surprising relationship between self-esteem and health

Psychiatry and therapy

Beginning a business

Living from love vs. fear

Getting off of psychiatry medication

Stepping into being a healer and into personal power

Working within a client's belief system

Mindset and nutrient absorption

Meeting clients where they're at

Clients that are a good fit for Teresa's programs

To Be Magnetic


Bruce Lipton "The biology of belief"

Genes turning on and off

Ancestral lines of illness

PSYCH-K® videos

A surprising aspect in resolving emotions

Teresa’s resources and healers

Tips for staying present and clues for when stress is driving the bus

Creative pursuits are a must

Wayne Dyer

Abraham Hicks

Gregg Braden

Judith Orloff

Teresa's books: Unsinkable soul, Nurses' pocket guide, Resilience Journal: Transcending turbulent times through journaling

Request discovery session (free 45 min at no cost): teresabruni.com

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