What is the rotator cuff? And what should be done in the case of an injury? Do I have to get surgery? Join Kristi and Dr. Rountree as they explain the function of the shoulder rotator cuff, how to catch an injury early, and how to properly address the injury so that you may avoid surgery. Learn about the importance of exercise and strengthening in order to protect the rotator cuff structures, and how laser therapy and PRP injections can help with the healing process vs. corticosteroid injections.  


We have begun live-streaming this podcast. Watch this episode on Facebook right here, and see the next episode LIVE in two weeks!

Studies mentioned in this episode:

Platelet-Rich Plasma in Patients With Partial-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears or Tendinopathy Leads to Significantly Improved Short-Term Pain Relief and Function Compared With Corticosteroid Injection: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

The effectiveness of high-intensity laser therapy in the treatment of post-stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain: a prospective randomized controlled study

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