Kelli Nielsen is The Grief Guru and shares her 5-Step Framework for transforming grief with us.  Kelli shares that grief does not always mean death.  We can grieve with divorce, job loss, empty nest, relocation, and more.  Kelli found herself alone and grieving after losing her mother.  "Grief came in like a flood and swept me out to sea," she said.  It was a crisis of faith, and there did not seem to be anywhere that could give her the support she needed.  Kelli felt isolated and lonely with no hope that it would ever get better.  Fate intervened, and Kelli met a mentor who inspired her to go forward helping others.  Then tragedy struck again.  This time Kelli was armed with tools to help her work through her grief and she shares some of those tools with you.  She went from barely surviving to thriving and found purpose in her tragedy.  You can too, let Kelli walk you through the steps. 

April 21, 2020 - Join Kelli at

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Find Kelli on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube: @thegriefguru

Quote: "Your past doesn't define you, it prepares you." (Kelli Nielsen.)