Learn about the 6th Stage of Grief with Harriet Cabelly.  Harriet is a Grief and Adversity Counsellor based out of New York.  Her book "Living Well Despite Adversity" contains interviews with  Cheryl Strayed, Temple Grandin, Meredith Vieira and others.  

A predominant theme in Harriet's life has been how to cope and grow through and beyond their adversities. She has always been greatly inspired by people who, against all odds, go on and live engaged, productive and meaningful lives when they are faced with the choice of becoming bitter or better.

Some people grow and become better; others succumb and become bitter, remaining stuck in their pain. Not Harriet.  She has grown to be a mentor to those facing adversity and an example of how we are not a victim of our circumstances.

Learn to go from grief to growth, from pain to purpose, and from loss to found, with Harriet.  She has a certificate in Positive Psychology and a life of experience on how to live beyond our circumstances. Harriet is the mother of a child with a severe neurological disorder who has defied all odds, and Harriet believes that we can all overcome our obstacles.

You can contact Harriet at www.rebuildlifenow.com and by email at [email protected].

You will love Harriet's motivational quotes and be inspired by her life story.  She quotes David Kessler, who co-authored "You Can Heal Your Heart" with Louise Hay.