Rachelle McCloud, LCSW, is a mental health therapist specializing in emotional wellness.  She has developed a program that empowers people to get rid of their symptoms and heal.  Join her on Facebook in her group, "Releasing the Baggage of Anxiety, Depression and Traumatic Stress", where she delivers free training.  Her mission is to empower people to do their own healing work effectively, safely, and skillfully.

Stick around to the end of the podcast, where we do a live tapping demonstration.  I think you will enjoy it and likely learn something new - I know I did. 

Visit Rachelle's website and subscribe to her email series, which explains her techniques.

Visit Rachelle on Facebook.

Subscribe to Rachelle's YouTube channel. 

Please remember to check out host Victoria Johnson's website and visit her on YouTube for over 100 videos to help you heal your life.