Chris Flo is an Athletic Trainer, Founder of Flo Fitness, Creator of the Rooted Rehab Certification for Athletic Trainers and is an Animal Flow Master Instructor. I first met Chris when I delivered the 2017 Keynote speech at the ATSNJ Conference. We recently reconnected after I posted the Instagram video (below), which featured Washington Redskins Tight End Jordan Reed (who is coming off a foot surgery) performing the Animal Flow movement called a crab reach. The reason I initially felt compelled to repost the video was because I thought is was a display of toughness. Here is a guy who is doing whatever he needs to do to get his body right before he goes out on the field and he doesn’t care how he looks. After seeing my post , Chris reached out to give me some more information on Animal Flow and we decided to collaborate on this episode to teach you all about the various benefits of Animal Flow, which includes injury prevention.