Here's hoping everyone has had a peaceful and meaningful holiday in remembrance of Dr. King.

The seditious attack on the Capitol continues to yield a bumper crop of morans. Naturally, there had to be another West Virginian to embarrass my state. Rep. Lauren "Bobble-head" Boebert gets outed as one of the seditionists who helped MAGATS "case" the Capitol. Arizona MAGAT has a sad over "Lowe's" canceling Josh "Treason-Is-My-Middle-Name" Hawley's fundraiser in Floridastan. Hitler! Stalin! Wake up, Sheeeeeple! 

Then, a treat: Dan Fisher joins me for another of our rousing conversations and introduces us to a reeeeallllly fun new game!

The GoFundMe campaign for my dental work has stalled at about 40% of the goal. If you'd like to help and are able, go to  the campaign page. Please share it around to your social media networks. That's how we'll get this dental nightmare taken care of. Thank-you!