Val Staples, Danielle Gelehrter, "Pixel Dan" Eardley and Eamon O'Donoghue are back to discuss He-Man and She-Ra.

We're posting this episode ahead of 091, 092 and 093. But those will be coming soon!

In this episode we are joined by Scott Neitlich as we discuss
video reviews,
decrease in subscriptions,
increase in costs,
cost of figures for other lines,
2014 roadmap,
reasons for not revealing 2013,
removing figures from the 2013 lineup,
what happens if 2013 subs fall short,
figure preorders,
POP and NA in MOTUC,
scare tactics,
what fans can do to help,
promised improvements,
international shipping problems,
distribution centers,
day of sale concerns,
reasons for subs an guaranteed sales,
QC problems,
Legal disclaimers for reveals,
sub extentions,
beyond 2014,
keeping MOTU going,
movie rumors,
additional incentives,
army builders and reduced day of sale,
Filmation rights,
Scott's Braveheart speech,
Castle Grayskullman commercial,
price increase shocker,
2013 teaser choices,
the Fighting Foe Men,
King He-Man
and more!

MOTUC bios discussed in this show:

MOTUC figures discussed in this show:

Intro/Outro info:

Another fan contribution are episode wallpapers and backgrounds, created by Matt Tyree also know as Tyree on the forums. Matt is commercial illustrator who you can find out more about at

Also, don't forget the Roast Gooble Dinner iPhone App, which is great for organizing and downloading current and past episodes. Click here to get yours today!

And if you have a comment or a question, please call us at (310) 933-5993 or at our Skype account "roastgooble" and leave a voicemail (in Skype, please go to Call Phones and enter roastgooble as the phone number and dial in. Please do not add roastgooble to your contact list as we won't accept the request. Sorry!) We'll try to work your voicemail into the show, so please call! Otherwise, you can e-mail us at gooble (at) he-man (dot) org. One or more of the hosts will read your e-mail on the show. Please keep e-mails short and sweet!

So pull up your chair and fill up your plate! It's time to chow down on a tasty serving of fandom here on's Roast Gooble Dinner!

Runtime: 1 hour, 33 minutes, 27 seconds