This week on Yes But Why, we talk to theater artist and podcaster, Paul Deichmann.

Paul Deichmann is an improviser from just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Paul is a performer, a director and a producer of improvised and devised theater pieces. At home like the rest of us in live entertainment, Paul currently produces an improvised long form podcast called The Offer with Cesar Gozurreta.

Our chat goes deep into improv theory straightaway. This conversation starts with an examination of improv as meditation and ends with a discussion about finding yourself through performance. Yeah. Paul was a fun person to talk to.

We discuss Paul’s voracious appetite for learning all things theatrical. Paul has explored all the different disciplines of improv, by taking classes, reading books, or going down a Google search rabbit hole. Paul shares his love for improv, as well as storytelling and creating shows.

Paul has been improvising theater since his first role as a bench in his high school’s production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. We talk about crazy team building exercises, about his interest in dramaturgy, and about the difficulty of finding collaborators.

Support Paul Deichmann by listening to his podcast, The Offer. The Offer is an improvised stories podcast hosted by Paul and Cesar Gozurreta. They create a completely original long-form story alongside an amazing guest. The Offer releases new episodes every week! In March and April of 2021, The Offer team is developing further the stories they loved improvising from throughout their first year. Check them out! Also, check out Pig Iron Theatre Company where Paul mentioned he has been enjoying taking workshops!

Yes But Why Podcast is a proud member of the HC Universal Network family of podcasts. Visit us at to join in on the fun.

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