In this episode of the Dudes n Beer podcast host Christopher Jordan welcomes host of the History Channel’s The Great Courses Series: The Real History of Secret Societies, author and professor Richard B Spence to discuss the true history of the Knights Templar and the beginnings of the Rosicrucians an ancient mystical tradition fabled to have obtained the secret “Gnosis”or knowledge of all things and even of the Elixir of Life through means of mystical tradition and alchemy.
From the origins of Friday the 13th and Triskadecaphobia (fear of the number 13) to the ominous truth behind the death of Jaques de Molay, the Knights Templar have riddled history with their legacy since their dissolution. But aside from the hearsay, conjecture and myth that surrounds the lost Brotherhood, what are the nfacts behind their founding? What was it that truly brought them to the point of power that they attained? Why was it that they were targeted by those within and outside the Catholic Church and Royal ranks they were so close with?
When it comes to societies with mystic traditions, the Rosicrucians are one that many claim have done everything from protect the true lineage of Jesus Christ to possessing the knowledge of eternal life. What are the origins of this society and how do they along with the Templars provide us with an example of the secretsocieties so many believe are moving the cogs and gears of the very world around us.
Join the Dudes n Beer podcast as we welcome back professor, author and host of The Real History of Secret Societies, Richard B Spence to demystify the true history of the Knights Templar and the Rosicrucians.
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