On the one year anniversary of Hazard Ground, it’s probably fitting that we share part one of the two part story of how Staff Sergeant Ryan M. Pitts received the Medal of Honor for his actions in combat. His is a story that defines the reason we do the podcast every week – to tell the stories of service, sacrifice, of unbreakable spirit, and strength in the face of insurmountable odds, with the hope that these stories will help others, whether they’ve served in the military or not. Sergeant Pitts received the Medal of Honor with humility and grace, and it’s evident by his words that he doesn’t believe it was just him who earned the Medal of Honor, but it was him alongside every one of his fellow soldiers who fought bravely on that dark day of July 13, 2008, along with those who didn’t return. And Ryan Pitts, who is now out of the Army, understands the duty that comes with the recognition of distinguished gallantry. Hear how Ryan Pitts became a recipient of the Medal of Honor, and what he’s doing now to carry on the legacy of his fallen brothers, on this one year anniversary episode of Hazard Ground!
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