Garrett Cathcart had wanted to go to West Point since the 4th grade. When high school graduation approached, it was West Point or enlist. He secured an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy, setting him on a course to become a combat-tested leader, as the Global War on Terror erupted only a couple of years before he graduated and entered active duty. Since then he has served as a Cavalry Scout, Troop Commander, and military advisor in Iraq and Afghanistan. Cathcart sits down in-studio to reflect on the loss he experienced in combat and the “what-if’s” that changed the course of human lives. He expands on how those events led him to a life of service, helping other veterans through his nonprofit, Mission Roll Call. Mission Roll Call's purpose is to give every single veteran a voice in policy and advocacy on the issues that are important to them. Hear how Garrett Cathcart unwittingly came to be the champion for that voice on this latest edition of HAZARD GROUND!

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