This week, another legend in the Special Ops community joins us, as retired Colonel Lee Van Arsdale takes us through two pivotal operations for the storied 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta, more commonly known as Delta Force. Van Arsdale joined Delta Force in 1985, and spent 14 years leading some of the most elite soldiers history has ever seen. As a Major, he lead the Delta assault troop that captured Manual Noriega in Panama in 1989, personally restraining Noriega while he was taken into custody. Van Arsdale was involved with several other high impact missions throughout his career, the world will never know about; however, one other one rose to notoriety in the mid '90s. That was the Battle of Mogadishu - more commonly known as "Black Hawk Down." In this episode, we once again get a rare look at this battle - and new information about it, from a man who lead troops on the ground there. A West Point grad, Van Arsdale now works on the faculty staff at the Thayer Leader Development Group at West Point, helping develop the next generation of leaders. This is one episode you don't want to miss! 

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