Previous Episode: Staff Sergeant John Diem
Next Episode: Joel Carpenter

For Dan Futrell, joining the military was at first just a means to pay for college.  After initially shunning the idea of joining ROTC, he started taking some of the classes and found he enjoyed working with the people in the program. He eventually earned a four-year ROTC scholarship, and from there the Army became more than just a way to pay for college. Following graduation and commissioning, he joined the Infantry, because as he put it, "I wanted to be right in the thick of things." After multiple combat tours in Iraq, where he participated in over 400 combat missions, Dan eventually stepped away from the military to continue serving in a different capacity. In 2012 he earned a Masters Degree in Public Policy from Harvard, where he attended the Kennedy School of Government as a Pat Tillman Scholar and Rappaport Public Policy Fellow. That achievement launched several endeavors to continue public service and working to better society and enrich the lives of those around him. From the military to working in his local community, Dan Futrell epitomizes serving one's country, and we're honored to have him on the podcast!