Holistic retreat leader, John C. Parkin, explains his F**k It philosophy and tells you why saying “F**k It” can be not only liberating and powerful but can even form part of a spiritual practice, helping you to relax and let go. The way John teaches the philosophy, F**k It doesn’t mean that you don’t care—it is a way of stopping yourself from caring too much. When we hold on to our wishes and desires too strongly, the pressure to make them reality can cause too much tension, and John shares scientific evidence to support the theory that letting go a little has huge benefits for our health and our lives. John also draws on the experiences of the thousands of people he has taught to say “F**k It,” as well as his own journey from being someone who spent too much time worrying and viewing other people’s opinions as more important than his own, to a place where he is now free to follow the path that truly makes him happy.