Renowned Medium, James Van Praagh teaches this unique and one of a kind workshop, which will expand your awareness and bring you in direct connection to your soul and its divine make-up.


In this spirit guided experiential workshop, together participants will explore:

• Learn how to receive spiritual messages and signs from your loved ones in the Spirit world.

• Discover whose “energy” you have been carrying around with you.

• Connect and set up an ongoing working relationship with your spirit guides

• Explore various levels of awareness, including “blending” with the Spirit world

• Understand the difference between “psychic ability” and “spirit communication.”

• Witness James bring forth evidential messages from your guides and soul group”

• Transform your life from fear into love and well-being.


James will demonstrate his ability of spirit communication, bringing through evidential messages of love and teachings from his spiritual guides to assist you on your spiritual journey.