Welcome to the Deacon Hill era at Iowa! In this week's episode, the Hawkeye 4DT guys get into the good (Iowa won), the bad (the offense, still), and the ugly (QB1's likely season ending injury). We went into the game against Sparty knowing that we wouldn't be able to make any final conclusions about any offensive progress, but any hope of a smooth progression ended when Cade McNamara went down at the two yard line and didn't get back up under his own power. Brian and Zach discuss that, what they saw from the Deacon Hill- led offense from there, and the excitement of the fourth quarter. Of course, after the last two weeks, positivity is still hard to come by, but, hey, at least there are some second down topics to discuss this week!  Check out this week’s episode to see what the guys expect to see when the Boilermakers come to town this upcoming Saturday!

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