Anytime you can beat Bucky, it is a great Saturday, but when you beat Bucky by three scores, it is a Saturday to remember. This week, Brian and Zach look back on an entertaining game that featured a slow first half, explosive offensive plays in the second half, and just enough excitement late in the game (read: questionable plays in the punting game) to keep Hawk fans on the edge of their seats for a game that, looking back, was never really that close. On second down, the guys look at how the Wisconsin win truly was a team win as both the offense and defense were rightly recognized as a whole. On third down, there was a little fun at the punt games expense and ISM's aerials - easy to laugh in hindsight when you win walking away (though we do hope that ISM has a speedy recovery). Finally, and luckily, the guys didn't spend much time on their Michigan breakdown, as the news that the game against the Wolverines was on the brink was breaking during the recording of the podcast.  Fortunately, there was still enough good cheer about Iowa football to fill a full episode about your 6-2 Iowa Hawkeyes!

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