It’s no secret that if you want to succeed in life, you have to be willing to work for it.

Work ethic is often seen as a product of a good upbringing or even something innate…

But sometimes, nothing will light a fire under your ass like loss — the realization that you alone are responsible for taking care of the people you love.

That realization hit Alex Lieberman, Co-Founder of Morning Brew, at a young age when the loss of his father spurred him to take charge of his family’s income — and it still drives him today, despite his many career successes.  

In this episode, we discuss that incredible career, including:

How a dearth of good content for business students inspired Alex
How a horrible first boss led Alex to find his creative passion 
Why Alex took the risk of leaving a stable job to found a startup 

For more interviews like this one, subscribe to HawkeTalk on Apple Podcasts,Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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