Hey, Mom and Dad, I'm leaving behind my full-ride academic scholarship three semesters before graduation to move to a city you told me was a drug-infested cesspool. Wish me luck!

Who wants to have that conversation with their parents?

Tough call. The toughest Griffin Johnson ever had to make.

A social media superstar & partner at Animal Capital, Griffin lived something that resembled Animal House more than a capital firm before discovering how to marry his knack for social media with launching a business.

On this episode of HawkeTalk, Griffin tells the story of how he went from detasseling corn as an 11-year-old Midwestern kid to becoming the toast of social.

Listen in as Griffin and Erik chat about...

- Growing up in a small town

- Getting started on social media

- The much-ballyhooed move to Los Angeles

- How Griffin turned a social media presence into a capital firm

For more interviews like this one, subscribe to HawkeTalk on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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