What’s the likelihood of someone being born on a futon in a commune going on to walk across Antarctica (and live to tell about it)?

Like… a gazillion to one.

Well, Erik Huberman had the pleasure of talking to the one and only Colin O’Brady. The 35-year-old has already accomplished more than most of us even dream about doing: summiting Mt. Everest, winning a triathlon, writing a New York Times bestseller (The Impossible First).

In this episode, Colin and Erik chat about…

The importance of having a supportive figure in your life
How to take the first step towards a big goal
Why it’s important for kids to see exciting, real-life applications of STEM methods
Why you should be asking, “Why not me?”

For more interviews like this one, subscribe to HawkeTalk on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!