Previous Episode: Passionate About God
Next Episode: Getting Rid of Regrets

Church. Why do we have church? So many different styles, so many choices, so many preferences, so many differences. We talk about contemporary, traditional, evangelical, and tons of other descriptions. We often will look for something or someplace we can call, “my church.” Yet, in Matthew 16, Jesus told his disciples, “I will build my church.” I like that he didn’t say, “I will build the church.” When it comes to His church, Jesus takes it very personally. Christianity is not about Christians, it’s about the gathering of Christians. Christianity is a group of people, it is the church…the Body of Christ. Jesus says, “And I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against that church.” He loves his church. He takes it very, very personally. In this brief 2-week message series called “My Church…” we will look at 2 areas of what Jesus expects of His church.