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“Everybody became a Living Room Leader in the early days of lockdown; depending on your home setup, you were leading from the living room, from the bathroom, from the closet…everyone was forced into this remote work leadership situation."

I was incredibly excited for the opportunity to Have A Seat with Debbie Goodman, author of Amazon #1 best seller, The Living Room Leader: Leadership Lessons for a Hybrid Future. 

As Debbie has stated, around mid-March 2020 or thereabouts, many became Living Room Leaders (or Bedroom/Kitchen/Garage Leaders), having to figure out new ways to manage, motivate, hire and engage their teams with no road map, no ‘best practice’ guidelines, and no ‘how-to-lead-remote-teams-RIGHT-NOW’ training manual.

As CEO of Jack Hammer Global, Debbie understands the shift that many leaders have had to make in record time, in order to lead, hire and engage their people, during what is undoubtedly the most challenging work-life experience that any of us have ever encountered.

Connect with Debbie and learn more about The Living Room Leader at:

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