“Knowing how to listen is a big thing; listening is more important than talking, especially if you are serving someone else, you need to listen to what their needs are”

Maggie Bowman describes herself as multifaceted: organized, smart, fun, collaborative, whimsical, and hardworking; however in my opinion, Maggie is all of those things and more.

Maggie and I connected through our mutual EA fairy godmother, Melissa Peoples. Being a fellow EA in higher education, Maggie and I immediately felt the bond and ease that comes when you meet someone who also understands your particular struggle.

I’m so excited to bring you this show, as having this conversation with Maggie was on my to-do list for months! We were able to finally manage to record right on the cusp of Maggie starting a new position with a distinguished art institute in SoCal. 

Have A Seat with Maggie and hear her fun yet on target perspective of our EA profession as told with her quirky sense of humor and bouts of laughter that only Maggie can bring.

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