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“Everybody has that filter, ‘I work, you don’t, I have kids you don’t’ whatever it is, it’s important that we allow those moments to let people in; but it’s hard and you have to be vulnerable and put yourself out there but when it works and clicks you think, yes, this is how it’s supposed to be”

We all have them. Those special friends we meet later in life who from the word go, you just click with and feel like you have known for years. I have one such special friend and I am so  thrilled to introduce her to you and share our conversation about forming friendships later in life and how important it is for women especially, to seek out and maintain those precious bonds.

Meet Tanya Peterson, Director of Operations for Capturing Kids' Hearts®, whose work focuses on serving professionals in K-12 education. Their mission is to "bring out the best in people" which is just perfect as that is exactly how I would describe my sister-friend, Tanya.

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