Imagine if you will, you're six years old, and everything you do is wrong. You're the weird kid in kindergarten, and your only friends are at home. It's not Mamma. No, Mamma's mean and puts you in time out for things like playing too loud. So you try to be good, but you keep getting in trouble because your friends, the see-through people like to play pranks on Mamma. Pranks that mamma does not like. That's today's story on Haunting Season. The Ghosts of Mamma's House. I hope you like it. Cause if you don't... Mamma might come for you next.

Haunting Season Theme Music by North Innsbruck: :

This story features a score by our musical guest Jonathan Ojeda with Pathios Productions. You can check out other work by Jonathan in the links below. Youtube: Link: W40k Fan Story: The Heathen’s Intent