Today's episode is a true crime story of Glenn Turner, Randy Thompson, and the woman who connects them, Lynn Turner.

Lynn and Glenn were married less than a year after meeting. Glenn worshiped the ground Lynn walked on, doted on her hand and foot, and loved her with all his heart. Lynn cheated on Glenn, was abusive and controlling, and spent all their money. Glenn's family did not know why Glenn was with Lynn, and they were never able to see him free of her, because he passed after suffering from flu-like symptoms.

Lynn moved in with Randy Thompson. Randy and Lynn had two children together, but their relationship was far from healthy, to the point that a judge even told them to stay away from each other. But they couldn't bring themselves to cut each other out of their lives, that is, until Randy suffered flu-like symptoms and passed away. 

Sounds suspicious, right? Well, Glen's mother thought so, too. So she made a call that had police second guessing everything they thought they knew.

But first, Robin brings back Last-ish Words-ish for her Something Spooky!

TW: Suicide and Domestic Violence


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