It all started with a story Court saw in Willamette Week: "Got a Creepy Old Toy You Need Exorcised From Your House? This Portland Business Will Take It off Your Hands—and Find It a More Loving Home."

Okay, what was that all about? Court had to know more. Especially because the Weird Holidays & Observances page let her know National Doll Day was coming on August 2. Wouldn't it be great to talk with the owners of  Unsettling Toy Removal and Rehoming for that?


So Court tracked them down, asked if they'd be game for a chat and they said yes. 

Brian and Sara could not have been nicer or more interesting either. Unsettling Toys all started as a spoof until Sara surprised Brian on his 50th birthday with a website, business cards and a "Guess what, honey? We're now able to really do this!" And just like that, they were off.

They don't necessarily deal in haunted dolls, though. Or only in dolls for that matter. They remove and rehome toys of any kind that owners find too creepy to keep. Sara and Brian gladly take them in until they can find someone new to adopt them.

But it's not all creepy dolls either. They also have dolls with "good energy" because some people want a doll with a vibe, but with a happier one. They can help make those matches too.

They also have a personal collection of unsettling toys of their own. They were very generous showing some of them to Court, including a Goosebumps-looking ventriloquist doll they call Chappy, and a lion named Winston made out of leather. 

Court also learned that clown dolls are Brian's least favorite and the ones he seeks to rehome quickest and that there is such a thing as Doll Disease and it's contagious. (But only spreads from dolls to other dolls so us humans are safe.)

It was a really great chat. Enjoy listening!

Guest Info

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Host & Guide: Courtney Mroch, Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism

Music: from

"Some Amount of Evil" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

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