Alex Matsuo of The Spooky Stuff compiled a list of 30 people she finds the most influential in the paranormal. She stressed that there are hundreds of people who could be considered influential in the field. These are just the 30 that resonated with her.

I'm incredibly humbled and flattered to be among those she included on the list. If I were to do something similar, I'd have included many of the same names. However, there were also a slew that were new to me so I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.

In this episode, I quickly read all the names, but I encourage you to visit The Spooky Stuff's post and read more about each influencer. (Link below.) Alex included summaries of what they do in the paranormal in addition to why she included them on the list.

She also was literally an answer to a prayer and part of another case of serendipity, which I also talk about.

To see The Spooky Stuff's list of the 30 of the Most Influential People In the Paranormal, visit:

Let her know who would be on your list if they aren't on hers and if she led you to any new-to-you people.

I also mentioned in the episode that Alex's YouTube is awesome and definitely worth subscribing to and that I would include the link to that as well in the show notes. Boom! Here you go:

Want more Haunt Jaunts? Jaunt with us online anytime at, or socially on Facebook, TwitterInstagram, and YouTube

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Host & Guide: Courtney Mroch, Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism

Intro Music: 
Phantom from Space by Kevin MacLeod


Outro Music:

"Some Amount of Evil" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (

Episode Music:

Rising Tide (faster) by Kevin MacLeod



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