Happy Fall Y'All! Fall’s arrival heralds the official start of Spooky Season. What better thing to do than congregate with like-minded spooky types at a paracon or horror fest?

Court breaks down where to find them, including dates and states, if you want to spice up your season with something a little stronger than pumpkin flavors. 

Types of cons and events covered in this episode include:

Horror Fests
Cryptid cons
UFO cons
True Crime Cons
Wacky Fun (wanna watch some hearse races, participate in a zombie & witch walk or attend a Voodoo Music & Arts experience?)
National Ghost Hunting Day and what's happening for it's associated event, the World's Largest Ghost Hunt. 

Based on the blog posts "National Ghost Hunting Day’s World’s Largest Ghost Hunt 2019" and "Fall 2019’s Paracons and Horror Fests."

Other Links & Resources mentioned in this episode:

Paracons & Horror Fests
Halloween Cons & Haunted House Events
Ghost Tour & Ghost Hunting Events
Eerie Events & Paracons
Everything Paranormal: events & postings
Paranormal & Horror Events Nationwide
Paranormal Event's page ~~ Paranormal events from around the USA only!!!..

Want more Haunt Jaunts? Jaunt online with us anytime at HauntJaunts.net, or socially on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube

Music: “Phantom from Space” by Kevin MacLeod / Incompetech

Host & Guide: Courtney Mroch, Ambassador of Dark & Paranormal Tourism

Jaunt online with us anytime at HauntJaunts.net, or socially on Instagram, Facebook Twitter and YouTube

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