Have you ever watched ghost hunting shows and wondered if the crew, particularly the cameramen, ever have experiences? Court has. That's why she was excited to learn about The House in Between, a new paranormal documentary from Robot Ninja Media.

The film is produced by Kendall Whelpton and Steve Gonsalves. Kendall was gracious enough to answer Court's email request for more info and a screener. Then when she was bold enough to request an interview, look what happened....She got one!

Steve says this house and the way it's investigated is a paranormal game-changer. Court says it raises the benchmark. It's visually stunning, smart and intriguing. In this interview, Kendall and Steve talk about why that is and what makes this film work.

The House in Between will be available on 26 different platforms, including iTunes, Amazon, Vimeo VOD (pretty much anywhere you can rent or buy movies) on May 5. Court can't wait for others to hurry up and see it so the conversations can begin!