When I wrote a post referencing (ogling) Rick McCallum back in 2011 (see "Look Who the Ghost Adventures Crew is Hunting with Now"), I never, ever thought he'd see it.

I'd been excited about the Ghost Adventures episode featuring the Hollywood Ghost Hunters, because it was comprised in part of Kane Hodder ("Jason," Friday the 13th) and R.A. Mihailoff ("Leatherface," Texas Chainsaw Massacre).

However, joining them was this stuntman named Rick McCallum. (He's actually the founder of HGH.)

Instead of focusing on the other two like I expected, I found myself enamored with Rick. I said as much in my post. Again, never, ever thinking he'd see it. 

But he did. And he was very gracious about it...even if still he teases me about it every chance he gets. (You'll hear reference to it.)

That's right. Teases me. Because something else happened that I never, ever thought --or even imagined-- would: not only did I get to meet him in person, but we became friends. 

Rick's good looks may have been what first caught my eye, but now having had the chance to get to know him, he's more than just a "hubba hubba hunk." (My original reaction to him.) 

He's got a wickedly delightful sense of humor and is a fantastic storyteller. Bonus: he hunts ghost. 

We talk about all of that, as well as his jaunt to Scotland and all the ghost hunting and haunted places he visited while there. 

As usual, we had a blast talking to each other, but it was also two hours long! That's why I've broken it up into two parts.

Here's Part 1. However, in case you want to binge it all, Part 2 is also ready for your listening pleasure.