Courtney had a great long talk with Alexandra Holzer, but she pulled a Whoopsie. (Court, that is. Not Alexandra.) She's still new to podcasting nuances and was using an app for the first time to record the call. She was so excited to talk to Alexandra that she forgot a crucial step: to merge the calls.

Thus, most of the interview wasn't recorded.

However, some was. She noticed her mistake about 45 minutes into the call. She still caught about 20 minutes of it though. Enough to convey the essence of their chat and what a great conversationalist Alexandra is.

There were surprises, revelations, and even an impromptu intuitive reading. Court does her best to relate what she could of the conversation before playing the part of the interview she did record.

At first Court was excited to talk to Alexandra because she was Hans Holzer's daughter. What a cool claim to fame Alexandra has that her dad was a paranormal pioneer and she's a second generation ghost hunter.

However, during the call, Court felt a kindred connection with Alexandra and appreciated her special blend of sass, smarts, wit, kindness, compassion and knowing.

She wishes she had used the app properly so everyone could hear what a great call this was. However, the flavor still comes through in the part she did manage to catch.

Also read it on the blog.

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Music: “Phantom from Space” by Kevin MacLeod / Incompetech

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