Previous Episode: Make Your Day (Part 2)
Next Episode: Water Is Life (Part 2)

Water... where would we be without it? It's unthinkable... something we would never even contemplate. It's our life source!
In 1st world countries, water is something most of us take for granted, something we drink, shower in, wash our clothes with, our dishes... and it's more often than not, clean enough to drink from the tap. Put it this way, we don't have too much care about how much is used, unless of course the Government puts restrictions on it due to drought or something like that... which in my life time (from memory) happened twice. The rest of the time, it's a free-for-all.
Now, take a moment to think how you would react, or what you would do if this was suddenly taken away from you!! Not something I want to even imagine, I tell you.
Well, this is the story of the lives of the indigenous communities of the Philippines... and i'm sure many other communities around the world. 
In this episode we chat with Jo, who is airline crew in the middle east, but more importantly a water advocate, with her focus being in her home country in a region down south. 
We will hear her talk about the trials these people have faced when it comes to water resources. But also hear about the amazing work her and her team are doing with the children in regards to this, and how cleanliness and hygiene are being taught as an extremely important way of life.
It's a lovely chat with Jo, very interesting to say the least, and i'm sure you will agree with me on this once you've had a listen.