Previous Episode: A Love Of Honour

Charity work comes in many forms... from taking care of children to animal welfare to refugees. But, had you ever thought that it could involve fashion (besides of course your run of the mill op shop). Well, I for one had never thought about this, until I met ex-Emirates crew Shiela Teodoro DeForest.

Based in Colorado, US, Shiela is putting her skills to perfect use, predominantly with two fantastic organisations... both of which are helping to enrich the lives of women through fashion.

Bella Boutique in Denver believe that every girl deserves the chance to be a princess at least once in their life, and perhaps even queen. Supporting those girls who for one reason or another, aren't able to afford that prom dress for that one special night of the year.

Dress For Success, a worldwide organisation, have a mission to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a support network, professional attire, and development tools to help them thrive in life.

Shiela, a model and beauty queen has had the privilege of being styled by others herself, so now she felt it time to share her experience with others. Joining up with these two organisations seemed a perfect opportunity for her to utilise her knowledge and her time with those who have been or are less fortunate than her.