Unconditional love is something we get from our parents as a child, no matter how naughty we are... Returning this love when our parents are of an age where they might find it more difficult to complete daily tasks, is something most of us might find tough to do. Yes, we love them... but going that next step and becoming a primary carer might not be our cup of tea.

In this episode, we listen to one such son, and previous guest, Heinz Schiedemann who has taken on this role with his father. We take a journey through his father’s life until today, and learn about the man he is. We hear of the special bond that he and Heinz have created together, and how Heinz has formed a new understanding and appreciation of his father… particularly in the realm of taking your time, and learning to appreciate the world around.  

We do also hear about the negatives, but it really seems as though these are far outweighed by the plethora of positives that are experienced together.

It's a joyful story, one of care and love... it may even bring a tear to your eye.