As the title says, every child deserves a future. This is also one of the quotes burned into my mind after speaking with ex-Etihad crew Eva Kernova.
Along with co-founder Sunil Baroi, and Mohammed Loch they are transforming the lives of many children within the slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Many of you might think that the life of airline crew is just glamorous, going from one city to another... shopping, swimming, sightseeing. But, it can also be a whole lot more than this, as we are often thrust into cities where we can see things that you can't even imagine. 
Eva utilised this opportunity as cabin crew to be able to spend more time in a few of these places while on her holidays. She found this to be a completely eye-opening experience, and felt that she could do more, and try to make a difference. 
Find out in this episode how this all came about, and what her and the foundation are doing to really make the lives of over 160 children so much better.