The last ever HOT POD includes interviews with some of the organisations in the parade, spectators and a full commentary. If you weren’t there, this HOT POD is most definitely best heard while viewing a gallery of piccies from the day. There are loads of good ones online, including, so go and have a [...]

The last ever HOT POD includes interviews with some of the organisations in the parade, spectators and a full commentary. If you weren’t there, this HOT POD is most definitely best heard while viewing a gallery of piccies from the day. There are loads of good ones online, including, so go and have a look!

Apologies for the delay in uploading – horrendous software problems! I should also apologise for my attempt at commentary… if you really don’t fancy listening to that bit, skip from the second HOT POD jingle at 5’50″ the third one at 18’50″.