Strap in, strap on, and let’s go.

Special guest appearances by @Xandretha, @CAWPodcast, @resolvethepod and @LadyBitchTime.

Vote for Hashtag Questions with Brandon & Trey in the 2019 Columbus Podcast Awards in the 'Comedy' and 'Podcast of the Year' (POTY) categories! You can vote through May 31st at

This Week's #Questions

@BeBe_Lopez88 - Can someone die from not having sex for 4 months? Asking for a friend. #AskingForAFriend #lol
@SinCityBossMan - Is dick vegan? #AskingForAFriend 😂 @JenSanity69 - How do you ask your spouse of 25 yrs to choke you out a little during sex? #AskingForAFriend #marriage

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