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| Sermon by Pastor Kim Buckman |

Excited for battling and impatient after the 40 years in the desert, God's people were on the brink of war with Jericho. But what did God tell them to do? Be still in him, not head full force into the city on a temporary adrenaline rush. He is asking us to do the same, before we dive into some of the hardest of times in our lives and give in to the feeling of urgency, take a moment and rest in Him first.

BE STILL: During this series, we will be challenged to be able to step away from responsibilities and the fast-paced busyness of our crazy lives just to be in His presence and know that He is God. Look at the earth – the trees, soil, and rivers – all of it is a show of His character. What do you learn when you sit and wait on Him?

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"I came so that they could have REAL and eternal life." John 10:10